vaccines for travel sri lanka

If you’re planning a trip to the breathtaking island nation of Sri Lanka, ensuring your health is a top priority.

In this guide, we’ll explore Sri Lanka travel vaccines that are recommended before travelling to the island nation, providing valuable insights for a safe and enjoyable journey.

Disclaimer: Before we delve into the specifics, it’s crucial to note that the information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized recommendations based on your health history.

Universal Vaccines:

First off, let’s talk about the basic vaccines that are universally recommended for all travelers, regardless of their destination.

These vaccines protect you against diseases commonly found worldwide. You probably got all of these when you were a kid, however please make sure you’re up to date with your routine vaccinations:

  • measles-mumps-rubella,
  • diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis,
  • chickenpox,

For a normal vacation, this is all you need 😊

Regarding COVID-19, while there is no mandatory vaccination requirement for travel to Sri Lanka.

Other Vaccines to consider before visiting Sri Lanka

  1. Hepatitis A:
    • Protects against the Hepatitis A virus, commonly contracted through contaminated food or water. Recommended for travel to developing countries like Sri Lanka.
  2. Additional Vaccines ONLY for Extended Stays or Rural Exploration:
    • Typhoid Vaccine
    • Japanese Encephalitis
    • Hepatitis B
    • Rabies (for specific activities involving close contact with animals)

Mosquito-borne diseases.

Malaria prophylaxis is also not recommended for travelling to Sri Lanka. 

Dengue Fever is another illness that is transmitted to humans by mosquito bites. Symptoms include fever, headache, severe joint, bone and muscular pain – hence its other name ‘breakbone fever’. Dengue is on a rise in Sri Lanka, especially in the Colombo area and in the north. 

The chances of getting Dengue here in Hikkaduwa where our hotel is located is very low. 

The best way to avoid infection is to prevent mosquito bites.

How to protect yourself from mosquito bites.

Use insect repellent that you bring from the pharmacy. And / Or cover your skin in long, loose fitting clothing. Remember to keep windows and doors closed at your hotel room. Use a mosquito net when sleeping in places where it is provided, especially in Colombo. 

The mosquito that spreads dengue bites during the day and is more common in urban areas.

General Health and Hygiene Tips:

  • Water Safety:
    • Avoid tap water; opt for bottled or treated water.
  • Hand Hygiene:
    • Regular handwashing is crucial to prevent waterborne and foodborne illnesses.

Prioritize your health, stay informed about vaccination recommendations, and follow general health and hygiene practices. Remember, these recommendations may evolve, so always check for the latest updates from reliable sources before embarking on your journey.

Explore responsibly, stay safe, and create unforgettable memories in Sri Lanka!

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